
애플이 MAC OS X 10.5.4 업데이트를 배포했습니다.

- Includes recent Apple security updates.
- Resolves an issue with saving and reopening Adobe Creative Suite 3 files on a remote server.
- Includes additional RAW image support for several cameras.
- Addresses an issue that may result in a partially installed X11 application.
- mproves L2TP VPN client reliability.

- Addresses AirPort reliability issues with 5GHz networks.
- Addresses AirPort issues that may result in slower performance in Logic Studio or MainStage.

- Improves overall iCal reliability for meeting requests, cancellation notices, delegation, and syncing with iPhone.
- Resolves an issue that prevents deleting an iCal event without notifying the creator.
- Addresses an issue in which events in all calendars affect availability. A checkbox now enables information-only calendars to be transparent from free/busy lookups.
- Resolves a UI issue preventing delegated calendars from showing up as a separate window.
- Addresses an issue with copying and pasting attendees from one event to another.
- Resolves an issue in which iCal may not delete events after a specified time interval, even when set to do so in iCal preferences.
- Addresses an issue in which To Dos cannot be marked private.

- Addresses a potential performance issue when loading secure web pages.
- Resolves issues that may be encountered when accessing secure web pages with client certificates that reside on a smart card.

Spaces and Exposé
- Addresses an issue in which switching from a space with a Finder window keeps the Finder as the active application instead of the application residing in the destination space.
- Fixes an issue in which dragging an application from the list of application assignments in Spaces System Preferences does not assign the application to the desired space.
- Resolves an Exposé issue that may result in only a subset of windows being shown.


애플의 운영체제인 OS X 의 다음버전의 이름이 Snow Leopard로 붙여졌다고 합니다. Snow Leopard는 새로운 기능 추가 보다는 기존 버전의 성능 향상이 주 목적이라고 합니다.

1년 정도 뒤에 출시될 예정이라고 합니다.

애플이 맥 OS X 10.5.3 업데이트를 유저에게 공개했습니다. 지금 업데이트 가능하다고 합니다.

아래의 내용이 수정되었다고 하네요

Fixes a font issue that could result in Helvetica Narrow being used in applications instead of Helvetica.
Addresses an issue with stuttering video and audio playback in certain USB devices.
Resolves stability issues with Word of the Day, iTunes Artwork, and Slideshow screen savers.
Fixes an issue in which certain attached hard drives may not show up in the Finder.
Addresses an issue with .Mac syncing of Dashboard widgets over multiple Macs that use different screen resolutions.
Includes additional RAW image support for several cameras.
Improves the accuracy of the Software Update progress bar indicator.
Addresses an issue in which Finder may not be available if the computer name is blank in Sharing preferences.
Improves Active Directory binding and login.
Eliminates a delay when logging in as an Active Directory user in a .local domain.
Improves Spotlight searches on a AFP file server volumes.
Clients can now change their password at the login window when bound to a Mac OS X 10.4 Open Directory server.
Improves Safari reliability when connecting to the Internet through a Microsoft ISA proxy.

Address Book
Addresses reliability issues when searching for contacts using built-in search.
Resolves issues with mapping addresses that contain an ampersand character (&).

Improves 802.1X behavior and reliability.  
Improves reliability when using Time Capsule.

Addresses an issue in which some actions may not work with the "Show When Run" option enabled.
Resolves an issue in which the "New iCal Event" action may not work.
Resolves an issue that prevents workflows from being saved in the Finder's contextual menu.
Fixes reliability issues for Automator scripts that search for files by date.  
Resolves an issue that prevents workflows from being saved in the Finder's contextual menu.
Addresses an issue in which Automator workflows as Finder plugins do not work when the workflow begins with the "Get Selected Finder Items" action.
Fixes an issue in which the "Copy Files" action does not reliably work when added from Automator’s warning dialog.

Addresses potential privacy issues by allowing events to be marked as private.
Resolves an issue in which the inspector does not show capacity and availability info for conference rooms within a building.
Addresses an issue in which the current day could appear in the left-most column of the weekly view.
Addresses reliability issues with meeting alarms, invitations and attachments.
Resolves issues with reliability when restoring from iCal backups.
Fixes accuracy issues with auto-completion, availability data and location names.
Resolves an issue in which iCal may send cancellation notices for events in the past after a calendar is deleted.
Fixes reliability issues with iCal syncing.

Addresses reliability issues with screen sharing.
Resolves an issue in which saved chat transcripts may reported as "still in use" after opening and closing them in iChat.
Resolves an issue with group chats not being indexed in Spotlight.
Only the last 250 messages of an active chat are saved.  Fixed to save unlimited number of lines.
Addresses issues with echo cancellation that may occur on portable Macs.

Resolves an issue in which Mail may prevent idle sleep when set to automatically check for new messages every minute.
Addresses stability issues that may be encountered when dragging large attachments into an email message.
Fixes an issue that could occur if two compose windows are open when dragging a file to the Mail icon in the Dock.
Addresses reliability issues when changes are made to a mailbox while offline.
Resolves wrapping issues that may be found with consecutive spaces in plain text.
Fixes issues with certain web pages appearing garbled when emailed from Safari.
Fixes an issue in which the Sent, Drafts, and Outbox mailboxes incorrectly list the "cc" recipients in the "To" column.
Addresses reliability issues with attachments added to plain text notes.
Fixes reliability issues with authenticated RSS feeds.
Resolves an issue in which attaching an alias to an email message may not send the actual file.

Parental Controls
Addresses reliability issues with application logging and time limits.
Resolves an issue in which Parental Controls may prevent forced sleep.  
Addresses performance issues with web content filters.
Fixes an issue with managed accounts in which iChat transcripts may not be created.
Addresses issues with 4-byte files and whitelist.

Resolves an issue in which switching to a different space and returning back to the original space may reorder the application windows with a different active window.
Resolves an issue in which activating an application from the Dock switches to a different space, even if there is a window for that application in the current space.
Fixes an issue in which Command-Tab may incorrectly switch to a new space.
Addresses reliability issues with Spaces when syncing preferences over .Mac.

Time Machine
Includes fixes for Time Machine compatibility with Time Capsule.
Resolves certain issues when backing up a portable Mac that is on battery power.  
Addresses compatibility issues with Aperture 2.
Addresses reliability issues when performing a full restore from a Time Machine backup.
Fixes an issue in which certain function keys may be disabled after using Time Machine.  
Fixes a possible alert message that incorrectly states a backup volume does not have enough space.  
Updates Time Machine to reliably restore attachments and messages in Mail.

Includes Braille Update 1.0 which enables GW Micro, HandyTech, HIMS, Nippon, and Papenmeier Refreshable Braille displays.
Addresses an issue with Braille dot 7 and 8 underlining.
Fixes an issue in which HTML page anchors may be ignored by the VoiceOver cursor.
Fixes an issue that prevented Hot Spots from being used in text areas.
Resolves an issue with spell checking in which VoiceOver may only announce the first misspelled word if there are multiple words spelled incorrectly. 


삼성의 UMPC인 Q1 울트라에서도 애플의 OSX가 구동하다고 하는군요. Q1 울트라도 인텔의 코어 솔로를 사용하기 때문에 OSX가 구동할 수 있기는 합니다만, 드라이버나 설치에 어려움이 많았을 것 같네요. 최소 2기가의 메모리는 필요할 것 같다고 합니다.

다양한 버전으로 ASUS EEE PC에 OS를 인스톨해보자

  • OSX 10.5 Leopard -  Link
  • 윈도 비스타 - Link
  • 리눅스 - 우분투 버전 - Link

애플이 차세대 OS인 Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard 레오파드의 출시 일정을 확정했습니다.

이미 루머로 알려진대로 10월 26일입니다.

출시 준비를 위해 오늘 오후부터 애플 웹사이트는 중단이 되었고, 지금은 레오파드(Leopard)의 출시를 알리고 있습니다. 미국 애플의 첫 화면은 출시일까지 카운트 다운을 표시하고 있습니다.

10월 1일부터 기존 10.4버전의 구매자는 1만원에 업그레이드 버전을 제공한다고 합니다.

가격은 미국은 $129이고, 우리나라는 148,000원입니다.

아이폰의 루트 암호가 유출됐다고 합니다.
이것은 아이폰 출시 이후 단 3일만이며, 유출 방법도 단순 스트링으로 허술하게 관리된 유저 정보 파일때문이라고 합니다.

이로써 OSX가 보안에 있어서  윈도보다 절대 우위라고 주장한 내용들이 의구심을 자아내고 있습니다. 얼마전 마이크로소프트는 자사의 윈도 비스타가 리눅스, OSX에 비해서 보안 능력이 훨씬 뛰어나다는 결과를 밝힌 바 있습니다.

이것이 아이폰 이미지 관리의 단순 실수인지 OSX의 근본적인 보안 문제가 있는지는 아직 확인되지 않고 있습니다.

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